I Asked 830 Filipinos Why They Want To Be SEO Specialists. Here Are Their Answers.

By Yesh QuijanoDecember 22, 2024 min read

Becoming an SEO Specialist is a career plan for many freelancers in the Philippines.

The prominence of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is undeniable. Every online venture, be it a large corporation or a small blogger, recognizes the importance of appearing at the top of search engine results because being on top means visibility.

And visibility means more traffic.

And more traffic, ultimately, means more money.

This need has burgeoned the global demand for SEO specialists, a demand that the Philippines, with its burgeoning pool of marketing-savvy professionals, is ready to meet.

What motivates these Filipino freelancers to dive into the SEO industry? This is the exact question I asked 830 respondents from my SEO Training Course.


I run an SEO training course here in the Philippines and I get daily inquiries on our Facebook page. Part of the lead qualification process is asking them the following questions: 

  • “May I ask why are you considering working again?”
  • “May I ask why are you considering a career change to SEO?”

These responses are from March 14, 2022 to August 21, 2023.

The Role of Deep-Rooted Motivation To SEO Performance

Motivation is the invisible engine that drives performance, particularly in fields demanding continuous adaptation like SEO. The idea here is that depending on the freelancer’s motivation, they may be your next A-player.

For an SEO Specialist, motivation, whether rooted in family aspirations or the quest for financial freedom, often becomes the catalyst for excellence. When an individual knows that each successful SEO campaign can directly result in a better life for their family, their dedication, meticulousness, and bar for quality output amplify.

For example, a freelancer whose motivation is lifting their family out of poverty might be a better performer than someone who became an SEO Specialist because he simply thought it was a "cool career".

The drive to achieve financial stability, especially in an industry with such a vast earning potential, pushes these specialists to constantly evolve, learn, and perfect their craft.

Moreover, the multifaceted nature of SEO - ranging from technical analysis to creative content creation - requires sustained enthusiasm. This enthusiasm is best maintained when backed by strong personal motivations. 

Survey Results

Word Cloud Analysis

Below is a word cloud of the 830 responses in the survey:

Figure 1: Word Cloud based on respondents' responses.

You can see that there is an emphasis on "upskill," "career," and "learn" highlighting a drive towards professional growth within the SEO industry.

Additionally, terms like "freelancer" and "work" suggest that our respondents are looking for a flexible, independent work model, while the word "home" indicates the prevalence of a desire to work a remote job.

The mention of "income" points to the financial motivations driving these professionals. Moreover, the word "marketing" hints at a broader interest in the digital marketing industry.

Overall, the word cloud paints a picture that Filipino freelancers are keen on developing SEO skills while also valuing both the flexibility and earning potential it offers.

Analysis By The Numbers

The data reveals that the primary reason individuals transition to a career in SEO is for skill development and career advancement.

This is closely followed by financial motivations, work preferences, family obligations, and finally personal growth.




Skills Development & Career Growth



Income & Financial Needs



Work Preference



Family Responsibilities & Priorities



Personal Growth









reasons why respondents want a career change to seo

Figure 3. Reasons Why Respondents Want A Career Change to SEO, %

This suggests that while many are drawn to SEO for diverse reasons, the predominant driver is the opportunity for professional growth.

Given that SEO is a rapidly expanding field with a significant demand for expertise, it presents an appealing option for those seeking to enhance their skills and boost their earning prospects.

Please note that the names of the respondents are taken from their Facebook names, so these might not be their real names.

Skill Development & Career Growth: 54.46% (452 answers)

I am an SEO content writer, [I] want to upskill and be an SEO specialist. - E. Eco

The dominant reason lies in career growth and skill acquisition. With the digital landscape ever-evolving, SEO presents an opportunity for continuous learning.

Filipino freelancers often cite the joy in mastering new tools, techniques, and understanding algorithm updates.

Moreover, as businesses globally understand the significance of SEO, specialists in this field are seen as valuable assets. For many Filipinos, this not only provides job security but opens doors to more prominent roles within the digital marketing domain.

Income & Financial Needs: 13.73% (114 answers)

My current work is not stable of [enough to provide] the money I needed and the work I have now is very exhausting. - E. Baldisimo III

While passion drives many, financial incentives cannot be overlooked. A considerable percentage of respondents see SEO as a viable means to earn competitive wages. Given the Philippines' economic context, a career in SEO can offer a standard of living that's several notches above average.

Furthermore, as businesses abroad discover the cost-benefits of outsourcing their SEO needs to Filipino specialists, the demand and, in turn, the pay scale rises.

Work Preference: 12.77% (106 answers)

I'm an OFW so I was always working away from home all the time. Right now, I just want to stay at home and work. - O. Kintanar

The rise of remote work arrangements made people realize that they can actually thrive in their careers while also working at the comfort of their home. This makes it an attractive option for many Filipinos.

Additionally, many find themselves drawn to the nature of SEO work. From analytical tasks, like interpreting search data, to the creative aspects like content optimization, SEO offers a balanced suite of activities.

Family Responsibilities & Priorities: 6.02% (50 answers)

To provide [for] the needs of my kids 🙂 actually I am a Teacher but I stopped teaching [because] I decided to take care of my kids - T. Lomin.

For a substantial number of respondents, the appeal lies in the work-life balance that SEO careers can potentially offer.

In a culture where family ties are robust, the flexibility to manage one's schedule, work from home, or even work part-time while attending to familial obligations is invaluable.

Personal Growth: 3.61% (30 answers)

Because I want to prove myself that I can do this. I want to [see] the other version of myself and I want to [take] the next level of my journey. - J. Golosino

SEO, for some, is more than just a career choice; it's a path to personal development.

It fosters qualities like patience (waiting for those rankings to improve!), analytical thinking, and adaptability (coping with the ever-changing algorithms).

For these individuals, SEO offers a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Limitations & Recommendations

It would be more insightful to segment respondents by gender. This would highlight differences in responses between genders.

For instance, we could determine whether female respondents show greater interest in upskilling than male respondents.

Regrettably, we didn't collect gender information from respondents and prefer not to infer gender solely from their names.

How Can Employers Utilize This New Information?

For employers, businesses, and outsourcing companies, this survey serves as a treasure trove of information. For instance they can:

  • Leverage the insights from this survey to create more appealing job offers for Filipino SEO Specialists. They can place a high value on skills development by offering continuous learning opportunities such as workshops or scholarships to online marketing courses.
  • Emphasize the importance of income, competitive salaries, and performance bonuses. For example, offer a 14th-month bonus instead of a standard 13th-month bonus will make employees ecstatic.
  • Offering flexible work arrangements, like remote or hybrid work options will cater to those who value work-life balance.
  • Discussing clear career progression paths could attract competent SEO Specialists who are focused on long-term career growth.

Tailoring recruitment strategies and workplace policies to these preferences can help attract and retain top talent in the SEO field.

The Undeniable Potential of Filipino SEO Specialists

Diving deep into the motivations of Filipino SEO specialists provides more than just data points because it also uncovers stories of ambition, responsibility, and passion.

This commitment, coupled with their skill and adaptability, makes Filipino SEO specialists an unparalleled choice. International businesses looking for dedicated, skilled, and cost-effective SEO outsourcing options needn't look further than the Philippines.

Looking to outsource your SEO campaign in the Philippines? Contact me today for a free strategy session.

Yesh Quijano

Keep Learning
