Photobook Company
Monthly Traffic
48.9k from 16,013
Keyword Rankings
34.3k from 8,012
Top 10 Keywords
Links Built
Links From (DR 79) (DR 72) (DR 62) (DR 57)
This photo book company offers a variety of photo book products, from regular photo books to premium moleskin albums.
Their in-house SEO consultant reached out to me to outsource their link-building requirements.
The challenge for this campaign building relevant, authoritative links on a shoe-string budget.
The client us already doing well when they engaged with us in 2018, having a DR 53 domain and around 15,000 organic monthly visits.
The website has a good, natural link profile already and I just need to build on top of that.
Here's how I built those links:
The Results
Sep 2024 Update: Increase in organic traffic up to 205% from from 111%. Increase in traffic value up to 254% from 238%
Organic traffic value
Increase in organic traffic
Increase in traffic value.

I also managed to keep their cost per link relatively low:
Links Built
DR 85
Max DR secured
DR 35
Average DR of links
It should be noted that while I'm showcasing Domain Rating (DR) values here, there are eight other SEO metrics I use to evaluate link opportunities.
Final Thoughts
The key for this campaign is consistency and I definitely delivered in that department.
This has been a 6-year campaign (and still ongoing!) so there were definitely times where it felt like we've hit a plateau, but we dug deep and delivered links, year in and year out.